Srimannaaraatana I need to write few things to protect me and both my sons its necessary to write this to clear some confusion about what indiagods are and what rules me and my kids followed for 120 years in india and 200 years in foreign thats why this writing poetry is important to remember ourselves that indiagods are always nice protective and Love parents kids family lifes for generations please understand the soulwork to rebuild same dna soulworld 200 times 288 soulworld dna Love passion indiagods Soulworld dna Love passion
I need to write few things to protect me and both my sons its necessary to write this to clear some confusion about what indiagods are and what rules me and my kids followed for 120 years in india and 200 years in foreign thats why this writing poetry is important to remember ourselves that indiagods are always nice protective and Love parents kids family lifes for generations please understand the soulwork to rebuild same dna soulworld 200 times 288 soulworld dna Love passion indiagods Soulworld dna Love passion